NAR Letters to Congress
Affordable Housing Program (Housing)
- 05-15-2024 NAR Letter Regarding YIMBY Markup with Partners
- 05-15-2024 NAR Letter to House Financial Services Committee Regarding the Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act (H.R. 3507) Act Markup
- 06-30-2023 Coalition Letter to Representative Barbara Lee Supporting H.R. 1087, DEPOSIT Act
- 04-26-2023 NAR Letter to Senate Banking Committee Regarding Housing Reforms
Broadband Access (Technologies)
- 04-20-2023 NAR Letter to House Energy Committee and Communications committee Regarding Broadband Hearing
Business Issues Update (Business)
- 07-24-2024 NAR Letter Supporting the Employer Participation in Repayment Act
Commercial Real Estate Lending (Commercial)
- 04-30-2024 NAR Letter to House Oversight committee Re CRE Market Hearing
Credit Policy (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 09-10-2024 2024.09.10 NAR Letter Supporting the Access to Homeownership Act
Credit Scoring (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 09-10-2024 2024.09.10 NAR Letter Supporting the Access to Homeownership Act
Credit and Mortgage Scoring (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 09-10-2024 2024.09.10 NAR Letter Supporting the Access to Homeownership Act
Disparate Impact (Fair Housing)
- 05-03-2024 NAR Support Letter to Rep. Williams and Rep. Fletcher Re Heirs Property HR 8127 & HR 8117
Energy Conservation and Exploration (Environment)
- 05-22-2024 NAR Letter to House Energy Committee on Building Codes
Fair Housing Act (Fair Housing)
- 06-21-2024 Fair and Equal Housing Act
Fair Housing Protections Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (Fair Housing)
- 06-21-2024 Fair and Equal Housing Act
Federal Housing Finance Agency (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 06-21-2023 NAR Letter to House Leadership Regarding HR 3564, Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023
Federal Tax Issues Update (Federal Tax)
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter To W&M New Economy Tax Team Re Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 NAR Letter To W&M Main Streets Tax Team Re Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter To W&M US Innovation Tax Team Re Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter To W&M Community Development Tax Team Re Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter To W&M Working Families Tax Team Re Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter to W&M American Workforce Tax Team Re. Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter To W&M Rural America Tax Team Re Home Shortage and Tax Reform
- 08-15-2024 2024.08.15 NAR Letter To W&M American Manufacturing Tax Team Re. Home Shortage and Tax Reform
Government-Sponsored Enterprises (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 09-10-2024 2024.09.10 NAR Letter Supporting the Access to Homeownership Act
Government-Sponsored Enterprises Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 09-10-2024 2024.09.10 NAR Letter Supporting the Access to Homeownership Act
Housing Appropriations Legislation (Housing)
- 06-03-2024 Real Estate Industry Appropriations Letter
Housing Choice Vouchers (formerly Section 8) and SOI (Fair Housing)
- 06-03-2024 Real Estate Industry Appropriations Letter
Increasing Minority Homeownership (Fair Housing)
- 05-03-2024 NAR Support Letter to Rep. Williams and Rep. Fletcher Re Heirs Property HR 8127 & HR 8117
National Flood Insurance Program (Insurance)
- 01-24-2024 NAR Letter to Senate Banking Committee Re Flood Hearing
- 11-28-2023 NAR Letter to Rep LaLota Re Increased Cost of Compliance Modernization Act HR 6304
- 11-13-2023 Coalition Letter to Congress Urging the Extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Ensuring Other Vital Programs Do Not Lapse After Nov. 17, 2023
- 09-08-2023 Coalition Letter Urging Congress To Extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
- 03-23-2023 NAR Letter to Congress Regarding HR 900, To amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968
- 03-08-2023 NAR Letter to House Financial Services Housing and Insurance committee Regarding Flood Hearing
Private Flood Insurance Options (Insurance)
- 06-15-2023 NAR Letter to Representative Joe Courtney Regarding Casualty Loss Deduction
- 03-23-2023 NAR Letter to Congress Regarding HR 900, To amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968
- 03-08-2023 NAR Letter to House Financial Services Housing and Insurance committee Regarding Flood Hearing
Realtor Insider DC News and Events (Realtor Insider DC News and Events)
- 02-28-2024 NAR Letter to the U.S. House and U.S. Senate Leadership Urging Them To Act Quickly To Avert a Partial Government Shutdown
Remote Notary (Technologies)
- 05-12-2023 Coalition Letter to Senators Warner and Cramer Supporting S, 1212 SECURE Notarization Act
Section 199A Qualified Business Income Deduction (Federal Tax)
- 07-06-2023 Joint Trades Support Letter to S 1706 Main Street Tax Certainty Act Sponsors
State-Legalized Cannabis Businesses (Commercial)
- 09-26-2023 NAR Support Letter for the SAFER Banking Act
- 05-11-2023 NAR t Letter to Senators Brown and Scott Regarding SAFE Banking Act Hearing
- 05-04-2023 NAR Letter to Senators Merkley and Daines, and Representatives Joyce and Blumenauer Regarding SAFE Banking Act
Tax Credits and Incentives (Federal Tax)
- 07-11-2024 2024.07.11 NAR Letter Supporting Revitalizing Downtowns Act
- 03-14-2024 NAR Letter to Senators Whitehouse and Heinrich and Representatives Panetta and Blumenauer Thanking Them for Introducing the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Act of 2024
- 03-21-2023 NAR letter to Senate Finance Committee Regarding Affordable Housing Supply Hearing
VA (Veterans Administration) Housing (Housing)
- 06-27-2024 NAR Letter to VA Committee Re. Markup
- 06-12-2024 NAR VA Committee Letter
Worker Classification (independent contractor v. employee) (Business)
- 10-19-2023 NAR Letter to the House Small Business Committee for a Hearing Examing the Rulemaking Effects Out of the U.S. Department of Labor
- 09-13-2023 Letter to Congressmen Walberg, Cardenas, Cueller, and Moore Thanking Them for Introducing H.R. 5419, the Direct Seller and Real Estate Agent Harmonization Act