NAR Letters to Congress
Foreclosures (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 03-21-2016 NAR Coalition Letter to House Leadership Urging Passage of S. 2393 SCRA Foreclosure Protection
- 03-01-2016 NAR Coalition Letter to House Leadership Regarding Foreclosure Protections Under SCRA
- 12-17-2015 NAR Coalition Letter to Congressional Leaders Regarding Permanent Extension of SCRA One Year Foreclosure Protection
- 12-03-2015 NAR Coalition Letter to Capitol Hill Regarding Permanent Extension of SCRA One Year Foreclosure Protection
- 12-04-2014 Coalition Letter to Chairmen McKeon Miller Levin and Sanders Regarding One Year Extension of SCRA Foreclosure Protection
- 10-24-2011 Letter to House on NAR's Five-Point Housing Solutions Plan
- 10-24-2011 Letter to Senate on NAR's Five-Point Housing Solutions Plan